One of the most common and dangerous diseases of the liver is hepatitis. The so-called pathological condition in which there is inflammation and degeneration of the hepatic parenchyma.
On the presence of chronic forms of the disease say in the case of preservation of the pathological state for six months or more. In milder manifestations of the disease may not manifest itself for quite a long time. In the case of the transition of the disease in a severe form there is a risk of more dangerous diseases – cirrhosis and liver fibrosis.
To prevent such complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, in the case of aggravation, take the appropriate course of treatment.
There are three main groups of diseases. Classification is based on the types of factors that trigger the development of chronic hepatitis:
The disease manifests itself differently in each individual case. It all depends on the characteristics of its leakage and condition of the patient as a whole. Typical symptoms of chronic hepatitis include:
With regular manifestation of such symptoms is necessary to diagnose the disease. For this you need to promptly refer to a gastroenterologist.
Chronic hepatitis is an acute problem for many citizens of Ukraine. This disease cannot be ignored, as there is a probability of transition in a more severe form and development of liver cirrhosis.
To prevent such effects by timely diagnosis and treatment of disease, which includes:
With decades of experience in solving these tasks specialists of the clinic “Lad” in Kiev will pick up individual course of treatment, which will eliminate painful symptoms and pathological changes in the body.